Zerrendatu honen arabera: ikerketa taldea "Tecnologías de superficies"
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3D Bioprinted Hydroxyapatite or Graphene Oxide Containing Nanocellulose-Based Scaffolds for Bone Regeneration
(Wiley, 2022)Bone tissue is usually damaged after big traumas, tumors, and increasing aging-related diseases such as osteoporosis and osteoarthritis. Current treatments are based on implanting grafts, which are shown to have several ... -
A novel soft tissue prediction methodology for orthognathic surgery based on probabilistic finite element modelling
(PLOS, 2018)Repositioning of the maxilla in orthognathic surgery is carried out for functional and aesthetic purposes. Pre-surgical planning tools can predict 3D facial appearance by computing the response of the soft tissue to the ... -
An all-in-one numerical methodology for fretting wear and fatigue life assessment
(Gruppo Italiano Frattura, 2016)Many mechanical components such as, bearing housings, flexible couplings and spines or orthopedic devices are simultaneously subjected to a fretting wear and fatigue damage. For this reason, the combined study on a single ... -
Bactericidal Surfaces: An Emerging 21st Century Ultra-Precision Manufacturing and Materials Puzzle
(AIP Publishing, 2021)Progress made by materials scientists in recent years has greatly helped the field of ultra-precision manufacturing. Ranging from healthcare to electronics components, phenomena such as twinning, dislocation nucleation, ... -
Ball-on-flat linear reciprocating tests: Critical assessment of wear volume determination methods and suggested improvements for ASTM D7755 standard
(Elsevier B.V., 2021)This work presents a critical assessment of wear volume determination methods for ball-on-flat linear reciprocating sliding tribological tests. It revealed that the ASTM D7755-11 standard leads to the highest relative ... -
Benchmarking of spectral methods for fatigue assessment of mooring systems and dynamic cables in offshore renewable energy technologies
(Elsevier, 2024)Fatigue life estimation methods based on time-domain and rainflow counting techniques are widely recognised and accepted for their reliability. However, applying them in scenarios involving random loads with multiple ... -
Challenges and issues in continuum modelling of tribology, wear, cutting and other processes involving high-strain rate plastic deformation of metals
(Elsevier Ltd., 2022)Contribution of finite element method (FEM) as a modelling and simulation technique to represent complex tribological processes has improved our understanding about various biomaterials. This paper presents a review of the ... -
Chondroitin and Dermatan Sulfate Bioinks for 3D Bioprinting and Cartilage Regeneration
(Wiley, 2022)Cartilage is a connective tissue which a limited capacity for healing and repairing. In this context, osteoarthritis (OA) disease may be developed with high prevalence in which the use of scaffolds may be a promising ... -
Corrosion and tribocorrosion characterisation of Ti13Nb13Zr alloy in oral environment for dental implants
(Mondragon Unibertsitatea. Goi Eskola Politeknikoa, 2015)Ageing of the population together with the increase of life’s quality in developed societies, has lead to a change of population needs from the health point of view. Dentist placing dentures are increasingly fewer, since ... -
A coupled 3D wear and fatigue numerical procedure: Application to fretting problems in ultra-high strength steel wires
(Elsevier Ltd., 2021)This work presents a coupled 3D wear and fatigue numerical procedure for fretting problems in ultra-high strength steel wires that combines Archard’s wear equation with the Smith–Watson–Topper parameter to predict crack ... -
Definición de una metodología optimizada para la simulación del desgaste en materiales
(Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), 2010)The wear simulation with finite element method (FEM) presents great advantages for the improvement of components, because of the reduction in the cost in comparison to the experimental procedure (test time, materials, ... -
Desarrollo de una metodología de cálculo para el diseño de una bomba de calor Stirling oscilante
(Mondragon Unibertsitatea. Goi Eskola Politeknikoa, 2015)Estudios recientes muestran que las medidas de la UE y los esfuerzos relacionados con la industria deberían aumentarse para alcanzar el objetivo de ahorro de energía. Una de las medidas de ahorro de energía en el entorno ... -
Development of a Modular Fretting Wear and Fretting Fatigue Tribometer for Thin Steel Wires: Design Concept and Preliminary Analysis of the Effect of Crossing Angle on Tangential Force
(MDPI AG, 2019)This work presents the design of a modular ad-hoc fretting fatigue and fretting wear tribotester for thin steel wires. The working principles of the diffrent modules are described, such as the displacement and contact ... -
Development of a novel method to characterize mean surface peak curvature as a signature of tribological performance of dental implant surfaces
(IOP Publishing, 2020)The integrity of dental implant surfaces might be compromised during surgical insertion. Wear and topographical modifications can occur during implant insertion, which can potentially have clinical implications. Accordingly, ... -
Development, characterization and sterilisation of Nanocellulose-alginate-(hyaluronic acid)- bioinks and 3D bioprinted scaffolds for tissue engineering
(Elsevier, 2021)3D-bioprinting is an emerging technology of high potential in tissue engineering (TE), since it shows effective control over scaffold fabrication and cell distribution. Biopolymers such as alginate (Alg), nanofibrillated ... -
Dimple prediction modelling in ultrashort laser processing: A benchmark study on ablation threshold determination methods and incubation models
(Elsevier, 2025)The appropriate selection of ultrashort laser processing parameters is a complex task in which prediction models based on the logarithmic ablation law derived from the Two-Temperature model are commonly used to minimize ... -
Faktore klimatikoen degradazioaren efektua igogailuetako kable-polea trakzio sistemaren adherentzian
(Tecnalia, 2021)Igogailuak trakzionatzeko existitzen diren hainbat metodoen artean kable eta polea bidezko trakzio-sistema oso arrunta da. Trakzio-sistema honetan kablearen eta polearen arteko itsaspenak berebiziko garrantzia du, eta ... -
Finite element modeling of fretting wear scars in the thin steel wires : Application in crossed cylinder arrangements
(Elsevier Ltd, 2014)This paper completes a series of two papers in which a FE based methodology for the prediction wear scars in thin steel wires under fretting wear conditions is developed. In the first paper ‘Finite element modeling and ... -
Finite element modelling and experimental validation of fretting wear in thin steel wires
(Mondragon Unibertsitatea. Goi Eskola Politeknikoa, 2012)Fretting wear is one of the main degradation mechanism produced in steel wire ropes. This phenomenon leads to produce wear scars between the contacting thin steel wires reducing considerably the fatigue life of these ...