Zerrendatu honen arabera: ikerketa taldea "Nuevos negocios"
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El comportamiento financiero de las cooperativas de trabajo asociado de MONDRAGON
(Mondragon Unibertsitatea. Enpresagintza Fakultatea, 2022)Esta tesis estudia el comportamiento financiero de las sociedades cooperativas de trabajo asociado (CTA) a través de una investigación con metodología mixta, cualitativa y cuantitativa. Tradicionalmente la literatura ha ... -
The economic and environmental impact of limiting air routes where there is a rail alternative: a case study of Spain
(Springer, 2025)The current Spanish government pact includes a measure aimed at restricting domestic flights on routes where a rail alternative is available with a duration of less than 2.5 h. This measure aligns with similar initiatives ... -
Factores clave para la competitividad de las empresas tecnológicas de servicios avanzados, T- KIBS
(Mondragon Unibertsitatea. Enpresagintza Fakultatea., 2023)Hoy en día, se da un fenómeno económico a nivel global, denominado terciarización, por el cual el peso de los servicios es cada vez mayor con respecto al resto de sectores económicos. Si bien en general el sector servicios ... -
Impact of joint venture on its partner company’s performance: a systematic literature review
(Emerald Publishing Limited, 2025)Purpose This paper aims to identify the variables to measure the impact of the joint venture (JV) on the performance of its partner companies, considering all performance dimensions studied in the literature. Design/ ... -
Is Team Entrepreneurial Orientation important in generating creative business ideas? The moderating role of team-perceived heterogeneity and the individual creative mindset
(Cognitione' Foundation for the Dissemination of Knowledge and Science, 2023)PURPOSE: The study aims to unveil if Team Entrepreneurial Orientation (TEO) facilitates identification of creative market opportunities understood as novelty and quality business ideas. Entrepreneurial Orientation (EO) has ... -
Las Junior Cooperativas en la Nueva Ley de Cooperativas de Euskadi
(Universidad del País Vasco (UPV)/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (EHU), 2022)La Ley 11/2019, de 20 de diciembre, de Cooperativas de Euskadi ha incluido en su regulación a las junior cooperativas como un nuevo tipo de cooperativas señalando que estas «merecen identificación y regulación específicas». ... -
Platform Coops Now!: A Team Entrepreneurship Capacity Building Program to create Platform Coops
(Universidad del País Vasco (UPV)/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (EHU), 2021)Traditional labour relationships have been disrupted due to the digital platforms based businesses. This article aims on the one hand to share the consequences the sharing economy has generated for workers, and how MONDRAGON’s ... -
Short-haul flights ban in France: Relevant potential but yet modest effects of GHG emissions reduction
(Elsevier, 2024-10)The French government has taken a new measure of limiting the exercise of traffic rights to reduce emissions, in particular, the bill to ban short-haul flights where a train alternative of 2:30 h or less exists. Here we ...