Zerrendatu honen arabera: ikerketa taldea "Desarrollo de Mercado y Cliente"
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The conceptualization of the dimensionality of corporate communication management: a systematic literature review
(Emerald Publishing Limited, 2024)Purpose This paper aims to develop a conceptual framework for comprehending and identifying the dimensions of corporate communication management (CCM) over time. To achieve this objective, it synthesizes existing research ... -
Managers’ assessment of organizational performance. The role of perceived organizational commitment and HPWS in different ownership contexts
(Taylor & Francis, 2023)The purpose of this paper is to examine managers’ perceptions of employee organizational commitment as a key mechanism through which High Performance Work Systems influence organizational performance. Additionally, we ... -
Navigating the student entrepreneurial journey: Dynamics and interplay of resourceful and innovative behavior
(Elsevier, 2024-03)One characteristic of nascent entrepreneurship is the need to innovate to achieve competitiveness and ensure the survival of new ventures. Based on the individual perspectives of the Resource-Based View and Entrepreneur ... -
Perception of Gen Y and Z on Bank’s Financial Performance: Exploring Managerial Capabilities and Digital Innovation
(Academic Conferences International, 2024)The inception of digitalization has transformed many organizations. Presently, personal and professional lives are difficult to fathom without the utilisation of digital technologies. For organisations, digital innovation ... -
Understanding the characteristics of work that foster workplace well-being in an apprenticeship programme and their effects on apprentices' employability. Exploring the gender moderation effect
(Emerald Publishing Limited, 2023)This study seeks to show whether workplace experience (WE) in an apprenticeship programme affects the duration of joblessness among recent university graduates and to determine the antecedents that support a workplace ...