Browsing by Research Group "Mecanizado de alto rendimiento"
Now showing items 1-20 of 116
Active Power Optimization of a Turning Process by Cutting Conditions Selection: A Q-Learning Approach
(IEEE, 2022)In the context of Industry 4.0, the optimization of manufacturing processes is a challenge. Although in recent years many of the efforts have been in this direction, there is still improvement opportunities in these ... -
Adiabatic self-heating determination for Ti6Al4V at different temperatures
(Elsevier, 2023)Nowadays, numerical models are one of the most widely used techniques to predict material performance subjected to different manufacturing processes. However, to obtain accurate predictions, these models require reliable ... -
Advanced measurement techniques to improve predictive modelling of cutting processes by using inverse simulation
(Mondragon Unibertsitatea. Goi Eskola Politeknikoa, 2021)Machining is one of the most widely employed manufacturing operations, contributing from 3 to 10% of GDP in developed countries. Despite this prevalence, tools and cutting conditions are often chosen on a trial-and-error ... -
An optimization methodology for material databases to improve cutting force predictions when milling martensitic stainless steel JETHETE-M152
(Elsevier Ltd., 2018)A material database for JETHETE-M152 was developed applying a novel methodology for improving the precision of cutting forces. This approach defines a variable specific edge force depending on the feed rate and cutting ... -
Analysis of the Tool Stick-Out Influence on Machining Chatter
(2021)Increased stability in machining processes is highly desired by all machining industries when vibrations and specially chatter occur. This phenomenon is defined as a self-excited vibration that occurs due to the regeneration ... -
An analytical approach to calculate stress concentration factors of machined surfaces
(Elsevier Ltd., 2021)Machining operations affect the properties of the final surface layer, and these can impact on its functional per- formance, particularly on fatigue behaviour. Among the properties of the machined surface, surface topography ... -
Analytical model to identify crack initiation in machined aluminium parts
(Elsevier, 2024)Thin-walled aluminium components used in the structure of aircrafts are subjected to fatigue loads. Fatigue performance of those components is affected by the surface integrity generated in the last machining step. This ... -
Application of material constitutive and friction models parameters identified with AI and ALE to a CEL orthogonal cutting model
(Elsevier B.V., 2023)The identification of input parameters for funite element modelling of the cutting process is still a complex task as the experimental testing equipment cannot reach its combined levels of strains, strain rates and ... -
Broaching Digital Twin to Predict Forces, Local Overloads, and Surface Topography Irregularities
(MDPI, 2024)Broaching is a key manufacturing process that directly influences the surface integrity of critical components, impacting their functional performance in sectors such as aeronautics, automotive, and energy. Such components ... -
Broaching: Cutting tools and machine tools for manufacturing high quality features in components
(Elsevier Ltd., 2020)Broaching is a unique machining process with high accuracy and surface quality, which is employed in massand batch production for the manufacture of components with highly complex geometries. It involves the use of ... -
The capacity of statistical features extracted from multiple signals to predict tool wear in the drilling process
(Springer Verlag, 2019)Industrial processes are being developed under a new scenario based on the digitalisation of manufacturing processes.Through this, it is intended to improve the management of resources, decision-making, ... -
Combining experimental and FEM approaches to determine the influence of workpiece temperature on fundamental variables in the machining process
(Materials Research Forum LLC, 2024)In machining it is common practice to use lubricants to enhance machinability, resulting in improved part quality and reduced tool wear. However, emerging efforts are centered on mitigating the environmental impact of ... -
The contribution of microstructure and friction in broaching Ferrite–Pearlite steels
(Elsevier Ltd., 2020)Ferrite-Pearlite (FP) steels are used in many automotive components. However, their machinability in low cutting speed processes appears to be highly dependent on their metallurgical state. An experimental approach combining ... -
Correcting distortions of thin-walled machined parts by machine hammer peening
(Elsevier, 2023)Thin-walled aerostructural components frequently get distorted after the machining process. Reworking to correct distortions or eventually rejecting parts significantly increases the cost. This paper proposes a new approach ... -
Crystal-plasticity-finite-element modeling of the dynamic response of a directionally solidified nickel-based superalloy
(2020)The flow stress behaviour of a directionally solidified nickel-base superalloy,MAR-M247, is presented through the combination of experiments and crystal-plasticity simulations.The experimental campaign ... -
Desarrollo de nuevos modelos, técnicas y aplicaciones para el aumento de la precisión y productividad en el rectificado sin centros a través de la supresión de inestabilidades dinámicas y la óptima configuración del ciclo de rectificado en sus dos formas de operación: plongée y pasante
(Mondragon Unibertsitatea. Goi Eskola Politeknikoa, 2012)Centerless grinding is a manufacturing process widely used as a high-productivity finishing technology. Its specific features regarding the loose work-holding and self-centering confer better performance on centerless ... -
Determination of emissivity and temperature of tool rake face when cutting AISI 4140
(Elsevier B.V., 2019)A method for measuring tool temperature in the tool/chip contact zone of the rake face of a tool during dry orthogonal cutting using thermography is presented. This method used a new calibration method that combined with ... -
Determining tool/chip temperatures from thermography measurements in metal cutting
(Elsevier, 2018)Temperature measurement in metal cutting is of central importance as tool wear and surface integrity have been demonstrated to be temperature dependent. In this context, infrared thermography is presented as a reliable ... -
Development and experimental validation of a macroscopic analytical model aiming to generate metal-FRP stacks drilling cutting force and torque
(2021)Composites materials and especially FRP are increasingly employed in many fields of applications (transport, aerospace, …) due to the current trend of improving global energy performances of new designs notably by mass ... -
Digital Twin for Final Generated Surface Dimensional Error Analysis at Tool Path Level in Contour Milling
(Elsevier B.V., 2023)Surface errors in contour milling due to force induced tool deflections have a direct impact on the dimensional and geometrical accuracy of the finished part. In this sense, virtual manufacturing systems provide the ...