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Aproximación multimétodo para medir el impacto de los factores de diseño en la apropiación de un software de inteligencia competitiva
Mazmela Etxabe, Maitane; Lasa, Ganix; Apraiz Iriarte, Ainhoa (Dyna, 2020)La industria 4.0 y una vida laboral en continua transmutación, plantean preguntas acerca de cuáles serán las competencias que requerirán las personas para la correcta apropiación tecnológica y la mejora del desempeño. Este ... -
Case Study of the Experience Capturer Evaluation Tool in the Design Process of an Industrial HMI
Aranburu, Erik; Lasa, Ganix; Mazmela Etxabe, Maitane (MDPI AG, 2020)In the absence of user experience evaluation tools for industrial human–machine interfaces (HMI), a specific tool called eXperience Capturer (XC) has been created. It is a multi-method user-centred tool that evaluates the ... -
Collaborative Synergy in Industry: Exploring Human-Robot Interaction and Cognitive Robotics
Osa Arzuaga, Nagore; Lasa, Ganix; Mazmela Etxabe, Maitane; Apraiz, Ainhoa; Escallada Lopez, Oscar (AEIPRO, 2024)In the new era of Industry, characterized by transformative technological shifts, robots have become integral to manufacturing. This paper delves into human-robot interaction (HRI), specifically emphasizing human-robot ... -
Desarrollo de relaciones interempresariales de colaboración: el caso de una empresa de componentes de automoción
Anaya Rodríguez, Maite; Morales-López, Nekane; Martínez Chávez, Mariangélica; Iriarte, Ion; Mazmela Etxabe, Maitane (AEIPRO, 2019)The competitiveness of companies depends to a large extent on the ability to respond to the needs of their customers. These needs are increasingly demanding and complex to resolve, translating to the rest of the agents in ... -
Development and validation of Human-Robot Experience (HUROX) questionnaire for industrial collaborative contexts
Apraiz Iriarte, Ainhoa; Lasa, Ganix; Mazmela Etxabe, Maitane; Escallada Lopez, Oscar; Gonzalez-de-Heredia, Arantxa (AEIPRO, 2023)An increasing number of robots are being implemented in Industry 5.0, which aims to put the well-being of the operators at the centre. From a human-centred design perspective, it is crucial to assess the perception and ... -
Development of a new set of Heuristics for the evaluation of Human-Robot Interaction in industrial settings: Heuristics Robots Experience (HEUROBOX)
Apraiz Iriarte, Ainhoa; Lasa, Ganix; Mazmela Etxabe, Maitane; Nguyen Ngoc, Hien (Frontiers, 2023)Humans and robots will increasingly have to work together in the new industrial context. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the User Experience, Technology Acceptance, and overall wellbeing to achieve a smoother and ... -
Diversidad, accesibilidad y diseño inclusivo de los entornos de trabajo en la Industria 5.0
Gonzalez-de-Heredia, Arantxa; Beitia, Amaia; Lasa, Ganix; Mazmela Etxabe, Maitane; Etxabe, Amaia (AEIPRO, 2023) -
La evaluación de la ejecución de tareas por parte de los usuarios en interfaces industriales mediante el cuestionario USE
Mazmela Etxabe, Maitane; Lasa, Ganix; Aranburu, Erik; Anaya Rodríguez, Maite (AEIPRO, 2019)Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) are widely used in organizations and their use has many favourable consequences, fostering interaction and collaboration, workplace learning, job performance and productivity. ... -
Evaluación heurística de la interacción persona-robot en entornos industriales
Apraiz Iriarte, Ainhoa; Lasa, Ganix; Mazmela Etxabe, Maitane (AIPO, 2022)En la nueva industria cada vez son más los robots utilizados. Para aprovechar al máximo los beneficios que los robots pueden ofrecer, es necesario generar una interacción fluida y satisfactoria persona-robot, de modo que ... -
Evaluation of User Experience in Human–Robot Interaction : A Systematic Literature Review
Apraiz Iriarte, Ainhoa; Lasa, Ganix; Mazmela Etxabe, Maitane (Springer, 2023)Industry 4.0 has ushered in a new era of process automation, thus redefining the role of people and altering existing workplaces into unknown formats. The number of robots in the manufacturing industry has been steadily ... -
Human-centered industry: integrating industry 5.0 principles and inclusive design for sustainable innovation
Lasa, Ganix; Mazmela Etxabe, Maitane; Gonzalez-de-Heredia, Arantxa; Escallada Lopez, Oscar; Nguyen Ngoc, Hien (2024) -
The influence of adapted interactive environments in current industrial interfaces aceptance
Mazmela Etxabe, Maitane; Lasa, Ganix; Aranburu, Erik; Gonzalez Ochoantesana, Itsaso; Val, Ester (AEIPRO, 2018)User experience is a growing field of research, which in recent years has gained considerable interest. During the last two decades, various models have been proposed to understand why users accept technologies ... -
Mapping human factors in virtual reality: VRUX
Escallada Lopez, Oscar; Lasa, Ganix; Mazmela Etxabe, Maitane (AEIPRO, 2023)Industry 5.0 addresses the technocentric limitations of Industry 4.0 and opts for a more humancentred industry. This affects the different technologies that are already being implemented in manufacturing such as exoskeletons, ... -
New approaches to integrating emotional aspects in the euristic evaluation of digital solutions
Lasa, Ganix; Aranburu, Erik; Mazmela Etxabe, Maitane; Justel Lozano, Daniel; Reguera-Bakhache, Daniel (AEIPRO, 2018)The appearance of new technologies such as Eye-tracking are enabling to collect human-computer interaction related data that until now was unknown. There are alternatives with a larger baggage in the field ... -
Nuevo modelo de evaluación de la Interacción Persona-Robot en entornos industriales: ITPX-ROBOTS
Apraiz Iriarte, Ainhoa (Mondragon Unibertsitatea. Goi Eskola Politeknikoa, 2023)The Industry 5.0 has as its main pillar the well-being of people, thus redefining the role of individuals and transforming current job positions into formats that are still unknown. This research focuses on one of the most ... -
Nuevo modelo para evaluar el nivel de aceptación de las tecnologías desde la perspectiva de la interacción y percepción de usuario
Mazmela Etxabe, Maitane (Mondragon Unibertsitatea. Goi Eskola Politeknikoa, 2020)New trends in Industry 4.0 are focused on the importance of human-machine collaboration, promoting closer cooperation between both and encouraging the efficient use of machines and people in a cooperative environment ... -
Preferencias y asociaciones de las personas usuarias ante interfaces claras u oscuras
Apraiz Iriarte, Ainhoa; Lasa, Ganix; Mazmela Etxabe, Maitane (AEIPRO, 2021)La digitalización nos lleva a estar más horas delante de las pantallas, y por ello, el impacto que tiene en la salud es foco de investigación en la actualidad. En este sentido, la polaridad de contraste juega un papel ... -
To Be or Not to Be the Servitization Dilemma and the Role of Design
Iriarte, Ion; Alberdi Álvaro, Alazne; Anaya Rodríguez, Maite; Mazmela Etxabe, Maitane (Routledge, 2019)This article seeks to answer the question of how value proposition is created using a human-centred approach in the context of deservitization, in general, and service dilution, in particular. The article aims to describe ...